Hey guys, Huron here again. Well with my computers down and no way for me to post tidbits and battle reports from the St. Valentines Day Massacre and any of the other stuff I have been doing, I thought I would discuss something that has been weighing heavily on me lately.
Here is the current list I have been running for my Howling Griffons at 1850pts.
Kar'sarro Khan
Librarian w/ Terminator Armor, Storm Shield
(10) Tactical Squad w/ Pfist, Flamer, Missile Launcher
(10) Tactical Squad w/ Pweapon, Flamer, Missile Launcher
(10) Tactical Squad w/ Pfist, Melta, Multimelta
(5) Tactical Squad w/ Pfist & Combi-Melta
(3) Rhinos w/ Extra Armor & Razorback Extra Armor for above squads
(5) Assault Terminators with Thunder Hammer/ Storm Shields
Landraider Transport (for Termies) w/ Multimelta
(2) Landspeeder Typhoons w/ Missile Launchers and Heavy flamers (squadron)
While this list works great vs Tyranids and Eldar (without Eldrad), I have been having some trouble with it vs Orks, other marine armies, and pretty much everything else. So while this list is all nice and tweaked, I think I have gone to far and it no longer has the punch it needs. So far I have come up with a few alternate lists, with this one being the best so far in my opinion.
Librarian w/ Terminator Armor, Stormshield
(10) Tactical w/ Pfist, Flamer, Lascannon
(10) Tactical w/ Pfist, Flamer, Lascannon
(2) Razorbacks (for above squads) with Twin-Lascannon
(5) Scouts w/ Powerfist + Landspeeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer
(5) Scouts w/ Powerfist + Landspeeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer
Landspeeder Typhoon w/ Missiles and Heavy Flamer
(5) Assault Terminators w/ Thunder Hammer & Stormshields
Landraider Transport (for Termies) w/ Multimelta
(2) Vindicators w/ Extra Armor, Storm Bolters
That is 1850pts on the nose. The main thing I did was cut down my HQ choices to 1 (saving myself 160pts) and switched out 2 tactical squads with transports with cheaper scouts squads in storms. Then I dropped one Typhoon, upgraded the 2 remaining Tactical Squads and added in the punch of 2 Vindicators. While I am not sure how this list will play, I do think it is worth breaking out the models and trying it out. I have everything I need except for 1 Landspeeder Storm.
Please comment and let me know your thoughts. I am really struggling with making the above changes and just not sure if I am right or wrong about some of the choices I have made. I'd love to know what your thoughts.
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