This weekend me and a guy from the Sugarland Gamers club are headed up to the Battle for Salvation tournament happening in White Plains, New York on Saturday. I thought, since I just finished finalizing my plans and that it has been a while since my last post I would share my list with you guys. Jawaballs, Fritz, Warmaster Black Matt, eta all watch out because we are coming for you. Oh and that snazy Eldar army is coming home with me! ;)
Some of you may remember by Howling Griffons. For those that do not go slip down the left side of my Blog here and check out the labels section. You should find a direct link to everything I have posted about them there. Originally, my Griffons list was based around Pedro Kantor and a Master of the Forge allowing me to play and infantry/ dreadnought/ drop pod heavy list. However I found this didn't really work for me and while I have not abandon the concept of the army complete I have gone in a different way for this list.
I'm trying a tactic that I have never seen used and have only recently seen people talk about here on the Blog-o-sphere. I am playing a Kor'sarro Khan outflanking army. Here is the list.
2,000pt Space Marine Army
160pts Captain Johfrit (Kor'sarro Khan)
115pts Squad Sagrenor - (5) Tactical Marines w/powerfist
050pts Dedicated Transport: Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, Hunter Killer Missile
115pts Squad Agravain - (5) Tactical Marines w/powerfist
050pts Dedicated Transport: Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, Hunter Killer Missile
100pts Squad Garreth - (5) Tactical Marines w/ Combi-Meltagun
075pts Dedicated Transport: Razorback w/ Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasmaguns
100pts Squad Lanval - (5) Tactical Marines w/ Combi-Meltagun
075pts Dedicated Transport: Razorback w/ Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasmaguns
100pts Squad Calogrenant - (5) Tactical Marines w/ Combi-Meltagun
075pts Dedicated Transport: Razorback w/ Twin-Linke Assault Cannons
100pts Squad Palamedes - (5) Tactical Marines w/ Combi-Flamer
280pts Squad Aramand - (7) Assault Terminators w/ 5 Thunder Hammer Storm Shield, 2 Twin Lightning Claws
260pts Dedicated Transport: Landraider Crusader Llamrei w/ Multimelta
260pts Landraider Gringolet w/ Multimelta
085pts Predator Destructor Caliburn w/ Autocannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons
TOTAL: 2,000pts
Kor'sarro Khan does 2 things for this army. First be replaces combat tactics with the ability to Outflank. All units can outflank as well as any dedicated transports they have. And secondly Khan gives whatever squad he joins the Hit and Run and Furious Charge Universal Special rules. So needless to say, Khan joins the Termies in their dedicated Landraider Crusader and along with the 5 Razorback squads outflank. The landraider, with the 6th tactical squad that does not have a transport are deployed on board (which makes it scoring, oh yeah) and the Predator start on the table or roll on early. This army is mainly designed to do well in objective missions but has done surprisingly well at Kill Point missions in the few test games I have run.
The big flaw is not having things show up till late game or having them show up piece meal. One way to counter act this is to include Tigurius in the army, but at 230pts I would have to drop the Predator, the 6th Tactical Squad, and the Multimelta on the regular Landraider, and I am not sure it is worth it but I may have a decision for you after I see how I do tomorrow.
Well that is it, see you all later. Check back late Sunday or early Monday for coverage of the event. Depending on when I get back into town I may have some coverage of the Sugarland GW Rapid Fire Tournament as well.
Until next time.